Standard Procedures
Forms and normal operations
Battalion Morning Reports are available at Brigade HQ.
Quarterly Reports from battalions
The AoDS has instituted a report system from all brigades. The reports should be sent by battalion adjutants to their respective brigade headquarters. The brigade AAG will forward the consolodated returns to the AoDS AAG at the following email
The reports should be submitted April 15th, July 15th, October 15th and January 15th.
Format of the return.
The return shall be in a letter form as exampled below as sent by battalion or brigade;
1st Battalion Brigade
Location, Date
AoDS Headquarters
The 1 Battalion Brigade was involved in the following engagements during the first quarter of 20xx.
1- Manassas January xx-xx
125 men
12 Officers
2- Olustee February xx-xx
102 men
11 officers
Adjutant or AAG if brigade
Pony Battalion
First Brigade
Form use.
Morning Report
Used by the Brigades to track the available forces for a particular day.
Consolidated from Battalion company reports etc.
Form 200
Brigade/ Battalion report consolidated from the company level weapon inspection form 100.
Used in certain scenarios.
Bugle Circular
In house created form to give the principal musician times to work off.
Return of ammunition expended
Used upon request by command for ammunition expended during a given engagement.

Below are Artillery Reports as used by the GEORGIA DIVISION REENACTORS ASSOCIATION.
All credit for these forms goes to the GDRA.